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Referred Journal Publications


[8] C. ShahN. U. Ibne Hossain, M. D. Khan, S. T. Alam, "A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Resilience 

     Assessment in a Blockchain-Based Internet of Medical Things System with Time Variation", in Healthcare

     Analytics, 2023.

[7] J. Prior, M. D. Campbell, M. Dawkins, P. Mickle, R. J. Moorhead, S. Y. Alaba, C. Shah, J. R. Salisbury,

     K. Rademacher, A. P. Felts, and F. Wallace, "Estimating precision and accuracy of automated video post

     -processing: a step towards implementation of AI/ML for optics-based fish sampling." Frontiers in Marine

     Science 10: 582.

[6] S.K. Roy, A. Deria, C. Shah, J.M. Haut, Q. Du, and A. Plaza, "Spectral-Spatial Morphological Attention

    Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote

    Sensing, 2023.

[5] S.Y. Alaba, M.M. Nabi, C. Shah, J. Prior, M.D. Campbell, F. Wallace, J.E. Ball, and R. Moorhead, "Class-

     Aware Fish Species Recognition Using Deep Learning for an Imbalanced Dataset," in Sensors, 2022.

[4] C. Shah, Q. Du, and Y. Xu, "Enhanced TabNet: Attentive interpretable tabular learning for hyperspectral

     image classification," in Remote Sensing, vol. 14(3),776, 2022, [code]

[3] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Collaborative and Low-Rank Graph for Discriminant Analysis of Hyperspectral

     Imagery," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 14,

     pp. 5248-5259, 2021.

[2] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Spatial-Aware Collaboration-Competition Preserving Graph Embedding for

     Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 19, 2022. [code]

[1] N. U. Ibne Hossain, M. Nagahi, R. Jaradat, C. Shah, R. Buchanan, and M. Hamilton,"Modeling and assessing

     cyber resilience of smart grid using Bayesian network-based approach: a system of systems problem,”

     Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 352–366, 2020.

Conference Proceedings

[17] C. Shah, M. M. Nabi, S. Y. Alaba, R. Caillouet, J. Prior, M. Campbell, M. D. Grossi, F. Wallace, J. E. Ball, and

       R. Moorhead, "Active detection for fish species recognition in underwater environments," Proc. SPIE

       13061, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XVI, 130610D, June 2024.

[16] M. M. Nabi, C. Shah, S. Y. Alaba, R. Caillouet, J. Prior, M. Campbell, F. Wallace, J. E. Ball, and R. Moorhead, 

      "Inconsistency-based active learning with adaptive pseudo-labeling for fish species identification," Proc. 

       SPIE 13061, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XVI, 130610C, June 6, 2024.

[15] S. Y. Alaba, J. H. Prior, C. Shah, M. M. Nabi, J. E. Ball, R. Moorhead, M. D. Campbell, F. Wallace, and M. D.

       Grossi, "Multifish tracking for marine biodiversity monitoring," Proc. SPIE 13061, Ocean Sensing and

       Monitoring XVI, 130610E, June 6, 2024.

[14] M. M. Nabi, C. Shah, S. Y. Alaba, J. Prior, M. D. Campbell, F. Wallace, R. Moorhead, and J. E. Ball           

     “Probabilistic Model-Based Active Learning with Attention Mechanism for Fish Species Recognition,”   

     OCEANS 2023-MTS/IEEE US Gulf Coast, Sept 2023.

[13] J. Prior, S. Y. Alaba, F. Wallace, M. D. Campbell, C. Shah, M. M. Nabi, P. Mickle, R. Moorhead, and J. E. 

       Ball “Optimizing and Gauging Model Performance with Metrics to Integrate with Existing Video 

       Surveys,” OCEANS 2023-MTS/IEEE US Gulf Coast, Sept 2023.

[12] C. Shah, S. Y. Alaba, M. M. Nabi, R. Caillouet, J. Prior, M. D. Campbell, F. Wallace, J. E. Ball, and R.

     Moorhead A Zero Shot Detection Based Approach for Fish Species Recognition in Underwater         

     Environments,” OCEANS 2023-MTS/IEEE US Gulf Coast, Sept 2023.

[11] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Attention Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Image

      Classification," IEEE GRSS 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Athens, Greece, 

      October 2023.

[10] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Hyperspectral Image Classification of Agricultural Tillage Practices Using Spatial-

       aware Collaborative Representation," 2023 11th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro

       -Geoinformatics), Wuhan, China, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics59224.2023.10233552.

[9] S. Y. Alaba, C. Shah, M.M. Nabi, J. E. Ball, R.  Moorhead, D. Han, J. Prior, M. Campbell, and Farron Wallace,

     “Semi- supervised Learning for Fish Species Recognition,” Proceedings of SPIE defense and commercial

     sensing, Orlando, FL, USA, May 2023.

[8] C. Shah, S. Y. Alaba, M. M. Nabi, J. Prior, M. D. Campbell, F. Wallace, J. E. Ball, and R. Moorhead, “An

     enhanced YOLOv5 model for fish species recognition from underwater environments,” Proceedings of SPIE 

     defense and commercial sensing, Orlando, Florida, United States, May 2023.

[7] C. Shah, S. Y. Alaba, M. M. Nabi, R. Caillouet, J. Prior, M. D. Campbell, F. Wallace, J. E. Ball, and R.

     Moorhead, “MI-AFR: multiple instance active learning based approach for fish species recognition in

    underwater environments,” Proceedings of SPIE defense and commercial sensing, Orlando, Florida, United

    States, May 2023.

[6] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Collaborative-competitive representation with spatial regularization for hyperspectral

     anomaly detection," Proceedings of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Kuala Lumpur,

     Malaysia, July 2022.

[5] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Laplacian regularized spatial-aware collaborative competitive representation for

     hyperspectral dimensionality reduction," Proceedings of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing 

     Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2022.

[4] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Collaborative and Low-Rank Graph for Discriminant Analysis of Hyperspectral

     Imagery," Proceedings of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, July 2021.

[3] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Modified structure-aware collaborative representation for hyperspectral image

     classification," Proceedings of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, July


[2] C. Shah and Q. Du, "Spatial-aware probabilistic collaborative representation for hyperspectral image

     classification," Proceedings of SPIE Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVI, Edinburgh, UK,

     September 2020.

[1] M Nagahi, R Jaradat, M Ngahisarchoghaei, NUI Hossain, C. Shah, SR Goerger,” The Relationship between

     Engineering Students' Systems Thinking Skills and Proactive Personality: Research Initiation,” Proceedings

    of the 2020 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 2020.

Book Chapters


[1] N. U. Ibne Hossain, and C. Shah, “Dynamic Bayesian network-based approach for Modeling and Assessing

     Resilience of Smart Grid System,” In: M. Fathi, E. Zio, P.M. Pardalos (eds) Handbook of Smart Energy

     Systems. Springer, Charm, 2021. . Online ISBN: 978-3-030-


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